St. George School Stewardship Commitment Dear St. George Parents, As you (re)enroll your child(ren) at St. George School, please be aware that all parishes of the Diocese of Jefferson City are embracing the stewardship way of life, whereby everyone in our diocese is called to live as active stewards in our parishes and communities. Discipleship calls us to more than membership; it calls us to active stewardship. To support all the ministries of the parish, we need every family’s active stewardship in the parish. No more and no less is asked of Catholic school parents and students than of any other parishioner. What does stewardship ask of all parish members, including students and their families? Commitment to pray. That is, actively and regularly attend Mass on weekends and Holy days of Obligation. Commitment to participate. That is, offer their talents and a portion of their time to serve the parish community and be a part of its fellowship and opportunities for ongoing Christian formation. Commitment to sacrificially give. That is, generously and proportionately pledge a portion of the “first fruits” of material treasure to support the operation and ministry of the parish church. The goal for Christians is the Biblical tithe (10%) and all are called to strive toward that goal as they are able. All parish families are expected to enshrine these 3 sacrificial commitments through the completion of annual Catholic Stewardship Renewal (CSR) forms St. George Parish provides all parish families an opportunity to reflect and update their offerings during the Catholic Stewardship Renewal in October of each year. Families of students sponsored by the parish for enrollment in the parish school must return their completed CSR materials in order to be eligible for (re)enrollment for the following school year. Families who strive to live as active stewards may have their children sponsored through the stewardship of the people of the parish for enrollment in the Catholic school. It is understood that parish sponsored enrollment in a Catholic school is contingent upon the family’s practice of their faith. Many thanks for your commitment to active stewardship in our parish! Mrs. Lisa Grellner Acknowledgement of Stewardship Expectations(Required) I have read and understand the expectations for active stewardship at St. George and parish sponsorship for enrollment of my child(ren) in St. George Catholic School. You indicate your acceptance of the terms by typing your first and last name on the line below. This is the legal electronic equivalent of your signature.Parent Name(Required) Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Parent Name Date MM slash DD slash YYYY