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Sunday Mass

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Join us for Sunday Mass at 10am or view it on the St. George Catholic Church Facebook page at the link below.


Divine Mercy Chaplet

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Join us every Tuesday in the St. George Chapel at 3pm for the Divine Mercy Chaplet.  All are welcome!


Legion of Mary Meeting

St. George Church Library 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

The Legion of Mary meets every Tuesday, the first Tuesday of the month at 5:15pm and all other Tuesdays at 4:45pm in the church library.


Daily Mass

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Join us for daily Mass on Tuesday at 6:00pm (except first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm).


Daily Mass

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Join us for daily Mass every Wednesday at 8:00AM.


Daily Mass

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Join us for daily Mass every Friday at 8:00 AM.


Confessions Available

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Fr. Franklin is available for confessions in the church from 4pm - 4:45pm, prior to our Saturday evening Mass.  Confessions can also be made by individual appointment at a different…


Saturday Evening Mass

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Join us at St. George for our Saturday evening Mass at 5pm. This Mass is live-streamed on the St. George Parish Facebook page at


Sunday Mass

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Join us for Sunday Mass at 10am or view it on the St. George Catholic Church Facebook page at the link below.


Divine Mercy Chaplet

St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United States

Join us every Tuesday in the St. George Chapel at 3pm for the Divine Mercy Chaplet.  All are welcome!