Legion of Mary Meeting
St. George Church Library 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United StatesThe Legion of Mary meets every Tuesday, the first Tuesday of the month at 5:15pm and all other Tuesdays at 4:45pm in the church library.
Daily Mass
St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United StatesJoin us for daily Mass on Tuesday at 6:00pm (except first Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm).
St. Ann’s Winter Party
Notre Dame Hall Basement 605 E. Main ST., Linn, MO, United StatesAll the women of the parish are welcome to gather on Tuesday, January 21 in Notre Dame Basement for Happy hour at 6:30pm, followed by a fried chicken dinner at…
St. Ann’s Sodality Meeting
Notre Dame Hall Basement 605 E. Main ST., Linn, MO, United StatesAll women of our parish are included in St. Ann's Sodality and are welcome to all of their meetings and activities. Meetings are on the third Tuesday of the month…
Home & School Meeting
St. George School Activity Center 603 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United StatesParent's of St. George School students are asked to gather for a Home & School meeting on Tuesday, January 21 at 7pm in the Activity Center lobby.
Daily Mass
St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United StatesJoin us for daily Mass every Wednesday at 8:00AM.
PSR Classes
Notre Dame Hall Basement 605 E. Main ST., Linn, MO, United StatesReligious education classes for youth in grades K - 8 take place weekly on Wednesdays, 4 - 5:30pm in Notre Dame Hall basement.
Daily Mass
St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United StatesJoin us for daily Mass every Friday at 8:00 AM.
Confessions Available
St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United StatesFr. Franklin is available for confessions in the church from 4pm - 4:45pm, prior to our Saturday evening Mass. Confessions can also be made by individual appointment at a different…
Saturday Evening Mass
St. George Church 611 E. Main St., Linn, MO, United StatesJoin us at St. George for our Saturday evening Mass at 5pm. This Mass is live-streamed on the St. George Parish Facebook page at