The Church identifies three authors of education: parents, the community, and the Church. Parents have the most serious obligation, provide the first knowledge of God, and lead their child to a knowledge of the wider community. The community has certain rights and obligations in the education of youth for the common good of society and so provides schools. The Church has a duty to educate so that they “promote for all people the complete perfection of the human person, the good of earthly society and the building of a world that is more human.” (Declaration of Christian Education, 3.)
At Baptism, parents accept the responsibility of training their child in the practice of the faith. Godparents promise to assist them, and the whole community also promises to assist with this responsibility. “Catholic parents also have the duty and right of choosing those means and institutions through which they can provide more suitably for the Catholic education of their children…” (Canon 793.1)
Catholic schools are in partnership with the family in proclaiming and witnessing to the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. They assist parents in fulfilling their responsibility as the primary religious educators of their children. This partnership works best when parents respect the beliefs of the Church and live lives in a manner that reflects these beliefs. If parents reject the beliefs of the Church or live lives in conflict with these teachings, catechizing young people becomes very difficult.
“Parents must cooperate closely with the teachers of the schools to which they entrust their children to be educated; moreover, teachers in fulfilling their duty are to collaborate very closely with parents, who are to be heard willingly….” (Canon 796.2)
Parents at St George Catholic school, aware, then, of the dignity of the holy parental call, and with a reverent awe for that responsibility which is theirs, commit themselves to be, in word and example, the first and best teacher of their children in the faith. Practically, this means they will.
Understand that the authentic teachings of Jesus as taught by the Catholic Church will be part of their child’s education and formation;
To the best of their ability respect the teachings of the Church and help their children respect the Church and its teachings Regularly participate in the Sunday Eucharist with their family (if not Catholic, support their children’s participation in the Church of Baptism), include prayer in their daily life and form their children in the faith;
Commit to speaking frequently with their children about God and to include prayer in their daily home life; Participate in and cooperate with the St. George School in programs that enable them as parents to take an active role in the religious education of their children, including sacramental preparation for Catholic children;
Support the moral and social doctrine of the Catholic Church to ensure consistency between home and school;
Teach their children by word and example to have a love and concern for the needs of others;
Practice stewardship of time, talent, treasure, and meet their financial responsibilities in support of the school and parish.
St. George Catholic School enters into a relationship of trust with each school family. This handbook provides the school’s framework for this trust relationship, setting out policies and regulations for the orderly, safe, and effective spiritual and academic formation of children.