About Us

Welcome to the church building of St. George

Saint George! A saint, a parish, a school. Over 150 years of holiness, sacraments, and education.

Saint George! Established in 1866, we are a family of faith, a community of service…and a field hospital for sinners--and every one of us who joins St. George belongs to that family, is wanted for that service, and is in need of that hospital.

Saint George! We strive to be Christ-centered and faith-directed in all that we do. Members of the Body of Christ, we belong to the Diocese of Jefferson City, rejoicing to be part of the great Tradition that is the Roman Catholic Church. The seven sacraments, together with our daily prayer, nourish us spiritually to be Christ-in-the-world more and more fully. All imperfect, yet through the mercy of God and the Blood of Christ, we are being saved. Despite ourselves, Christ is loving us to heaven. Christ desires to leave no one behind, and so we are compelled, bound to reach out to all we can, inviting them, urging them to the practice of faith, to join our field hospital, and to let Christ lead them on. It is imperative that all of us at Saint George never stop growing in our faith. Every day we can exercise the muscle that is our faith, every day we can make acts of faith. These open us to the working of God all around us.

I invite you to explore Saint George: the saint, the parish, and the school. If you already belong, then grow deeper in your faith, hope and love. If you are searching, then in the words of the Master: Come and See!

Saint George, the saint, pray for us!

Learn More about the church building of St. George

We invite you to learn more about the artistic symbolism of our church, which was built in 1974, by using the menu below.